Hierarchy Relations

Hierarchy Relations is a concept in LS Nav which lets you relate Nodes from two different Hierarchies of the same or different Hierarchy type.


A Hierarchy is a flexible tree structure with Nodes which allows linking Items, Deals, Stores, and other entities to the Nodes.

Hierarchy Relation

A Hierarchy Relation is the combination of two Hierarchies where some of the Nodes are related with each other. A commonly used Hierarchy Relation is the classical Item Assortment, where an Item-based Hierarchy is combined with a Store-based Hierarchy. This is done to define which Items are sold/replenished in which stores.


Hierarchy Relations for Redistribution

Hierarchy Relations are also used to define the Redistribution Matrix which defines the possible or allowed routes between locations for redistribution.

See Store Stock Redistribution for more information on how to set up and use the Redistribution Matrix.

Core principles of Hierarchy Relations

For the work with Hierarchy Relations some core principles apply:

  • Inheritance when adding a Relation
  • Inheritance when removing a Relation
  • Mirroring.

Please find more information about core principles here.


The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the topics that describe them. These tasks are listed in the order in which they are generally performed.

To See
Create a Hierarchy Relation How to: Create Hierarchy Relations
Copy a Hierarchy Relation How to: Copy Hierarchy Relations
Edit the Hierarchy Relation

How to: Edit Hierarchy Relations

Replenishment related tasks

The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the topics that describe them. These tasks are an extension to the above list and the tasks are listed in the order in which they are generally performed.

To See
Create Relations for Item Distribution maintenance How to: Edit Hierarchy Relations for Item Distribution
Create Relations for Data Profile maintenance How to: Edit Hierarchy Relations for Data Profiles
Update Item Distribution table manually

How to: Update Item Distribution

Update Data Profiles manually

How to: Update Data Profiles

Update Item Distribution and Data Profiles with Scheduler Job How to: Update with Scheduler

Redistribution related tasks

The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the topics that describe them. These tasks are an extension to the above list and the tasks are listed in the order in which they are generally performed.

To See
Set up a Redistribution Matrix to define possible trip combinations between stores and/or warehouses. How to: Set Up Redist. Matrix
Maintain Redistribution transfer cost between stores and/or warehouses.
(This is mandatory if the calculation strategy Least Cost is used).
How to: Maintain Redist. Transfer Cost
Calculate the distance (direct) between stores.
(This is mandatory if the calculation strategy Shortest Distance (Direct) is used).
How to: Calculate Distance (Direct)
Calculate the distance (route) and duration (route) between stores.
(This is mandatory if the calculation strategy Shortest Distance (Route) or Shortest Duration (Route) is used).

How to: Calculate Distance (Route)

How to: Calculate Duration (Route)